Making Crumpets. Crumpets where one of the first UK „treats“ I fell in love with when I first worked in Manchester.
Die Kommunionskinder haben heute Brot gebacken. Und wir Eltern sind jetzt da um es zu essen. Ich bin gespannt was serviert wird.
Making some feta in the oven. Yummy!
Today’s lunch: homemade beef and veggie soup with maultaschen.
Soooo delicious.
No image today. Soup was gone faster then I was able to pull out my iPhone.
I‘m thinking crispy fried potatoes with spinach, topped with a fried egg for today‘s lunch.
(Image courtesy of MidJourney)

Today‘s lunch: Zürch‘er Geschnetzeltes with rice.
(Image courtesy of MidJourney)

Heute Mittag gibt’s Melonensalat
What’s for dinner? For us it’s steak with buttered veggies and rice. 🍚🥩🥕
(Image courtesy of MidJourney)