Alexander Kucera

Follow @AlexKucera on



Dungeons & Dragons




: Watching Aquaman with the kids. Our son has made it his goal to watch all of Marvel and DC back to …

: Our son has looked up his Pokémon cards online and apparently some cards are worth several hundreds. …

: Tonight we are having session two of our DnD group. I’m hoping it goes better for the party then …

: My blood pressure is acting up again. Around noon it goes into free fall for a couple of hours …

: The progression of my son as he paints minis is obvious. (Owlbear at age six. Tiefling at age …

: Out and about eating ice cream.

: Home again! Super happy to see my wife and kids again.

: Good morning on day four of my hospital stay. This night was a night of horrors. A big thunderstorm …

: Day three at the hospital. I hope I’ll be able toe toTor to leave tomorrow.

: Day two at the hospital. Cabin fever already setting in. I hate staying at hospitals.

: At the hospital. This time it’s me and I’m staying for a while. I have an inflamed abscess probably …

: Foundry VTT self-hosting or using The Forge My Foundry VTT journey continues. Last Tuesday we had our first session of Lost Mines of Phandelver …

: Why do printers still suck so much in 2024‽ Wireless printing should not be such an issue still.

: Session One of our Lost Mines of Phandelver DnD campaign starts tonight. I’m very excited.

: Oh my god! I Just opened Skype after a year so of not using it. What the hell did they do to this …

: 2:30pm be there.

: Lots of tasty cakes and pies today at the 1250 years anniversary.

: Man. It’s freezing today. Bloody weather doesn’t know what it wants. 31°C yesterday and icy wind and …

: Church today and then another afternoon of 1250 years anniversary celebrations. I’m not particularly …

: So far so good. Only a few drops of rain.

: It looks me like people aren’t bothered by the approaching weather.

: So there is a strong thunderstorm warning for tonight at 6pm, exactly when tonight’s festivities are …

: Transcript of the 2024 US Presidential Debate

: Geinsheim’s 1250 years anniversary starts tonight at 6pm. Be there!

: Love me some AI Generators for Foundry VTT I am having way too much fun building out my Foundry VTT world with AI tools. Lots of Theatre of the …

: Heute Mittag gibt’s Melonensalat

: Just a quick service announcement. I am still in love with Uberspace. Their service rocks! …

: Thanks MidJourney. I could chill out there today.

: Another hot day today. 30°C and almost 80% humidity. This is going to be fun…

: I just ran my first proper D&D session. It was chaotic. I did a decently poor job. And the …

: Over three hours in the ER. And all that for a bandage. Sigh.

: At the emergency room once again. Life with kids. What can I say? I guess once a year is the …

: Back home and knackered. It was a great concert. The kids were great. All six thousand of them. :)

: At SAP Arena for the 6K United concert. Our boy is among those 6K.

: Feuerwehr Fest Geinsheim 2024 #dorfkultur

: Spielplatz-Fest in Geinsheim

: In town, sitting in the shade enjoying the rather quiet street while sipping my peppermint tea.

: Foundry VTT Update Almost done converting the “The Lost Mine of Phandelver” campaign into a Foundry VTT Game World. ✔️ …

: Wow. ICQ was still around?? ICQ is shutting down

: Foundry VTT and AI Voices via ElevenLabs I recently discovered Foundry VTT as a way to play role playing games with my friends from all over …

: Switching hosting from MidPhase to Uberspace So, after another round of failed communications with my current web host MidPhase—I have been …

: Ha ha. Not touching the snake was not an option in the end. Both girls conquered their fear. And it …

: Sadly the girls were too scared to touch a snake. :)

: At the Landau Reptile Zoo with Willow and her friend. It’s nice and warm in here and lots of little …

: The village is coming together for some vineyard singing.

: #kindeyforum is over. Some interesting talks and some new acquaintances later we are heading home.

: Today’s schedule. #kidneyforum

: Pretty full. #kidneyforum

: In Heidelberg beim Nierentransplantations-Forum. Es ist ganz gut besucht.

: Getting into rowing. Dark Horse Rowing has a great intro series on YouTube. → Rowing Fundamentals

: Instead of striking back at Iran, Israel could should actual strength by showing restraint.

: Sigh. Why do jobs always come in twos? I accepted a job yesterday. And today a second job comes …

: A really stubborn bug This year’s winter was really tough in our area. There is some bug going around our social circle …

: I’m making ragu a la bolognese right now for tomorrow’s lasagna. The smell in the kitchen is …

: What’s for dinner? For us it’s steak with buttered veggies and rice. 🍚🥩🥕 (Image courtesy of …

: I sometimes forget I am talking into a void here.

: Happy April‘s Fools! I didn‘t see any joke news so far. Maybe I was blind. What were your favorite …

: Happy Easter folks! 🥚🐰

: Pizza tonight! The kids are starved from being in the great outdoors for two days learning to make …

: Curious. I just updated iOS to 17.4 and am in the EU. Yet, I didn’t get any default browser prompt. …

: Just saw Dune - Part 2. Wow. The imagery was fantastic. Well told as well. Had me in tears at the …

: We did the Dracula escape room at Escape Rooms Mannheim today. It was great fun and we did beat it …

: Oh jolly! The kids lost my Switch.

: Currently reading: Dracula by Bram Stoker 📚 I found a really nice edition in the bookstore the other …

: Getting a iron infusion. Nothing like a little pickmeup on a Monday morning.

: The organ tour was fun. Really interesting to see and actually step behind the pipes.

: These are wooden rods that connect the organs keys to the pipes a few meters further up.


: Tons of pipes.

: One level down.


: Behind the pipes.

: At the top.

: I suspect we are going up there later.

: We are visiting a church this morning to get a tour of a disassembled pipe organ. Should be …

: Marvel’s Echo Just finished watching Marvel’s Echo. It was underwhelming. There was a good underlying idea in …

: I finally managed to import all my old long form articles to Had to do a bit of manual …

: Eschenfelder Grain Press Baking bread again today. We got a grain press (as opposed to a grain mill) in January and I have …

: BTW. @manton how is your support email queue looking? I vaguely remember writing your around end of …

: Today I learned about the Republic of Molossia and have become a fan. I mean, what’s not to like? A …

: At an indoor playground for our little ones birthday party. 4 hours and I will leave a deaf man. …

: Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you and your loved ones have a relaxing couple of days with nice …

: Sitting in the car, waiting to pick up my son from school, blasting Tubthumbing at full volume. Good …

: Apple Again Hikes Prices for Its Media Services Not sure how I feel about this yet myself. Budget is …

: We went to Kletterwald Speyer yesterday and today I am sore and bruised as hell. So a couch day full …

: One thing I always wondered about game development: in order to make the game (and test the game) …

: Listening to a discussion about the current medication shortage in Germany. We really dug ourselves …

: Dinner thoughts for today: chicken breast with pan sauce, ginger stir fried greens and some rice …

: Sigh. I miss timeline syncing. I just scrolled past several days of old posts on my iPhone (again). …

: At Holiday Park with the kids. They have no idea how awesome it is to have a yearly pass and a theme …

: Ingo Zamperoni did a great job showing the different political views in Italy in this little …

: Does anyone have any experience with SmellWell or similar products? Our son is suffering from rather …

: Big shock today. Our ten years old didn’t get home from school today. I drove around searching for …

: At the radiology department getting a thorax scan. The joys of regular checkups.

: Man, I am very much not a social person. We have a school celebration today and I couldn’t care less …

: I‘ve stumbled upon a great German cooking channel and have binge watched it for days now. Check it …

: Big kids flea market today in Geinsheim. Come around. Have some drinks and some good food, because …

: Sweating again poolside while our little one learns swimming. The downside of peritoneal dialysis. …

: I wanted to show my mom what AI generated art is about and asked Midjourney to come up with „a young …

: Gotta love Midjourney. AI generated art is fun to play with.

: This will be us in about 2 hours if all goes well. Barbie movie if anyone is interested. 📽

: Hmm…home made burgers tonight? 🍔

: I‘ve started to write again. Feels nice. It is a bit slow and tedious, but I do enjoy using Ulysses …

: Goulash Vienna Style I am uncertain if I ever posted this, but I just found this write-up of one of my favourite recipes. …

: Now for an image that is attached to the Ulysses post. I expect this to fail, but let‘s see.

: Image posting test. Since is just a simple URL, I expect it to work without any issues.

: posting test I will be posting a couple of tests now. Please disregard. - The Author

: Chris Ramsay is doing some amazing documentary work on Project Stargate and Remote Viewing. Area52 …

: Really undecided on how to proceed. On one hand simply using for blogging is easy and …

: I‘d like to consider myself a writer, yet have not really written anything in years. I‘d like to …

: I finally managed to get up and running again. I replaced the old Kirby CMS site …

: So let me get this straight, @sunlit is a photo sharing app that does not allow me to take photos? …

: Small town politicians are the worst. Listening to one discuss with my wife right now. The level of …

: Drawing box at our local IKEA. 🎨

: I remember Twitter clients having some sort of timeline sync. Was it called Tweetmarker? I wonder if …

: Reading about Webmentions reminds me why I never really liked all that „new web stuff“ for my own …

: It should be noted that one cannot add @manton‘s book about to the reading list. Boo! 📚

: Just in case anyone is in the area. We are hosting a children’s flea market during this year’s …

: Eggplant, tomatoes, Swiss chard, minced meat and puff pastry. What could go wrong? 🍆🍅🥬🔪🥩🥐🤤

: This week‘s swimming lessons for the little one have been postponed by a week. It is just too cold …

: I am amazed that a tool ( I last updated 6 years ago and haven‘t thought of …

: Our big one has left for summer camp. His first time camping without us. We are pretty excited for …

: Everything is set up for tonight’s pizza night. 🍕

: I recently stumbled over my pins again. Is there a way to display them on my about page I …

: Watching Pirates of the Caribbean with the kids (again). It is really amazing how it turned out, …

: We had a family trip to the library today. They have a two months reading campaign for school kids …

: While nature gets some much needed rain, my body definitely preferred the hot dry spell we had. With …

: I just reset my ActivityPub username to use my custom domain. It is now …

: I wonder where the boardgame tagmoji is @manton. 🎲

: By the way, a friend and I have started a monthly 30 minute talk podcast. It’s on right …

: Getting an iron infusion today. Ah, the joys of failed kidneys. 🩸💉

: Looks like I have ironed out most of the kinks. Theme works. Custom homepage works. Custom domain …

: Currently reading: Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold by Stephen Fry 📚 It has an interesting way to tell …

: After years of online hiatus I have decided to make Micro.Blog my main site. Of course, it is not as …

: Yesterday I came across one of the most German things I have seen in a long time. Apparently there …

: Go ahead. Don’t vote. You don’t want to anyway. YouTube Link

: Drive Act 2 is on Kickstarter! Go get it if you even remotely like science fiction and/or comedy.


: Ok. Let’s see. I’ll be trying out posting to directly again for a while. Usually I post …

: Went to a vascular surgeon today for a checkup. Apparently I have “the veins of a twenty year old”.

: I’m at a lack for words. -> Flat Earth

: The commercial I did for Kaufland is online. It was a fun two weeks of compositing and grading. …

: Good morning Hamburg!

: Oh boy! I didn’t expect this. Looks like I’ll be working with Blender in a professional setting for …

: Hamburg here I come again. Two weeks of sunshine (right Hamburg?), shopping, meeting friends…and oh …

: 5 - Prepping the vrscene GUI Intro Video Recording while waiting for 3D scenes to load. Creating an intro video for an application is so not …

: 4 - FMX Closing Thoughts Taking a look back at last week. Duration: 3:25

: FMX Day 3 Looking back at day 2 of FMX 2018. Duration: 2:56

: Episode 2 - FMX Day 1 Quick recap of the first day of FMX and outlook of the second day. Duration: 4:33 Transcript

: Episode 1 Welcome to my little podcasting experiment. Let’s see how this goes… Duration: 0:30

: I’ll never understand how people don’t make seat reservations while booking their train ticket

: I’m getting to play with the Milo MoCo today. Fun times ahead.

: In the office this afternoon. I can’t wait to get the last few (known) bugs of vrscene GUI squashed. …

: Ah…pink eye (iritis)…how I’ve missed you. Not.

: Testpost

: Life:0 Me:38 Boom

: Finally managed to play 5 Minute Dungeon with Robin and Monika. It was awesome and they loved it as …

: Certifying three 3TB HDDs is testing my patience.

: This is pretty cool tech. Let’s enhance

: Today the cable technician will finally enable Internet access in the new office. Then I can move to …

: So…iPhone X eh? Interesting. 🙂

: So…iPhone X. Interesting. 🙂

: Listening to What You Need to Know About Climate Change with Sam Harris. Some interesting thoughts …

: and short form posts To quote Manton Reece: Many of you remember the earlier days of the web. If you wanted to write on …

: The perks of getting review copies.

: I did an impromptu coding job two days ago and it was loads of fun. I could go for more paid …

: The village country fair is about to start. Three days of eating hearty food, lots of wine

: My Affinity Designer Workbook has arrived and it is gorgeous.

: Neat. A new Screenflow version. And it has some nice new features. But wow. The full price these …

: Great discussion. Although I must say I have a hard time to see Scott Adams’ point of view. …

: Work life balance by definition means you won’t excel in either. So be suspicious of people …

: Zelda today. Gotta crack those Master Sword trials.

: Looking at my TestFlight I have amassed quite the beta app collection by now.

: On the playground with the kids. Great weather. Happy kids. No stress. Camera at the ready. Perfect.

: Working the water pump. A man’s summer workout.

: Nailed my Git workflow. Now any changes on the site such as Micropub posts or quick HTML/CSS fixes …

: I am equal parts stressed, bored, overwhelmed and not taxed enough. Is that even possible‽

: Triggering a Git commit from the server works. iOS workflow still on hold because of a bug. And …

: So close on a solution to combine Micropub posting with my Git workflow.

: One more test. Sorry. 🙄

: Testing MicroPub posting from the iOS app.

: No Time for Bullshit Hi, I gave you a link to this page following a discussion we likely had. Consider this the end of my …

: I hate it when people argue with me about something I never said

: Great start to the day. Wanting to tackle the project changes that accumulated during my downtime …

: In a waiting room. Again… I’m getting tired of waiting rooms.

: Testing Webmentions with Kirby’s Webmention plugin. Probably not going to work. Let’s …

: A cold is nothing to sneeze at.

: A deer just bounced past us on our after lunch stroll. The perks of living on the countryside.

: My BetterBack arrived yesterday and it is pretty great I must say. …

: Willow laughed for the first time. The first laugh has something magical.

: Git Hooks and Merging Changes Any Git experts around? I am trying to modify the way my site gets updated. Right now I am using a …

: Looks like I went to bed too late last night. So I’m calling it a day for today and am …

: Interesting. A live connection between modo and other apps (working for Unreal at this point) is …

: On my way to FMX. It looks to be a fun week. I hope to meet many old friends and colleagues and meet …

: Sick in bed two days before I leave for FMX. Oh the joy.

: Now that is live I guess I need to get my Kirby site in order. The hosted version @Manton …

: It’s here and it’s gorgeous!

: First post. So exciting. I love what @manton built here. Is that how you mention someone? …

: pixelfondue Newsletter pixelfondue will be releasing it’s first newsletter this week. If you’re interested in …

: New update to the BabylonDreams Kit It now has a button “Copy/Paste Animated Channels”. Select two objects and it will copy the animated …

: So much for fake VFX. Vimeo Link Great idea and execution guys!

: Compositing Bites - learning compositing one node at a time A new series on compositing by yours truly just went live on pixelfondue. In this new series on …

: Houdini 16 is looking pretty awesome. I really need to find the time to learn it one of these days. …

: My current posting workflow while on the go Nick Parfene over in the Indie Microblogging Slack asked me to write about my posting workflow and …

: Today I started meditating again. It felt good. I really need to get a more regular schedule going …

: Bluffworks Chinos My new Bluffworks Chinos just arrived and they are a great fit. Very comfortable to wear. The fabric …

: ”Shipment on hold” I find it astounding that you can order something from the US and it …

: One last push. Come one guys! Indie Microblogging: owning your short-form writing

: Today’s goal: take a bubble bath. (I know. I try to not set my goals too high. Also, …

: Pancakes for breakfast make for a great Saturday starter.

: First test post via Alfred and Git push. So exciting!

: Indie Microblogging: owning your short-form writing Manton Reece has released his Kickstarter project into the wild. It’s his take on what a …

: Book Recommendation – The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Mark Manson has an entertaining writing style and enough insight to make this book a fun and …

: You are always wrong. Via: Mark Manson – The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck

: I'm a contributor at Pixelfondue now My first post over at Pixelfondue is online. Pixelfondue aims to be your resource for anything …

: Best Sound Effects Archive I usually find the sound I need in that compilation. Highly recommended. …

: Interview with Lawrence Kasdan Great interview with a great screenwriter. John and Craig sit down with screenwriting legend …

: Too many secrets This is very cool. Insanely geeky, but very cool. Brian Barto should be nominated for some sort of …

: Bored Beyond Belief L.A. Story

: Pro Tip: If all your requests for app A are “add/change feature & make it work like in app B”, …

: FMX 2016 Next week is this year’s FMX in Stuttgart. I’ll be there as every year reporting for …

: Don’t believe everything you think. Via: The Tim Ferriss Show

: The closer you get, the slower I go. A Bumper Sticker Via: Stephen King

: Gianluca Gimini renders people's drawing of bicycles back in 2009 I began pestering friends and random strangers. I would walk up to them with a pen and …

: Tapp Malu - A Children's Book Published Today I am a proud to announce that my wife’s first children’s book illustration is …

: MacSparky Fields Guides Now Available On iPhone David Sparks has a great selection of iBooks for a wide range of topics. If you help back because …

: Ein echter Bayer Ich habe einen Kollegen, der ist auch ein Bayer. Gut, er kommt aus Serbien… Via: A Friend

: Privacy, Security and User Experience Agreed on all accounts. Link:…

: Lying by Sam Harris A great read that has me thinking about how to behave myself in the future. As it was in Anna …

: The Chokehold of Calendars Calendars are a record of interruptions. And quite often they’re a battlefield over who owns whose …

: Maker's Schedule, Manager's Schedule I never thought of it that way, but it makes perfect sense. I’m definitely on a maker’s …

: A New Path Trace Approach for "Finding Dory" - Christophe Hery - Pixar This post also appeared as part of a longer article on fxguide. Christophe took us on a journey …

: Hyperion - Brent Burley - Walt Disney Animation Brent Burley talked us through the development of Disney’s new Path Tracer Hyperion in this …

: FMX Starts Tomorrow I’m on my way to Stuttgart as I write this to report from this years FMX. As always I’m …

: Proud Dad Time I’m usually very reserved with being the typical proud obnoxious dad. Mostly, because I find that …

: Surround Yourself With People Smarter Than You I recently took stock of my video tutorial archive and it turns out I have 4,5 months of fxphd …

: Not CG Who would have guessed? Then again, I’m sure there were a few shots that needed digital …

: FMX 2015 FMX 2015, the 20th anniversary edition, of the Conference on Animation, Effects, Games and …

: Standing Desk My workday consists, like pretty much everyone else’s these days, of about 99% sitting in front of a …

: Wipster - Online Video Review We have recently started using Wipster for our client reviews and it has been very well received. It …

: Kirby 2.0.2 - Important Security Fix Text: Everyone running Kirby should probably update.…

: Most people are dead. Did you know that? It’s true, out of all the people that ever were, almost all …

: What is going on right now that hasn’t happened ever since the beginning of time, but is soon …

: Tell me again how physically accurate your shader is. I’m a compositor you know. A Compositor Via: …

: Writing a Novel with Ulysses I’m actually in the middle of reading Mike Montero’s Design is a Job—which is …

: If you hand a client an estimate and slap them across the face and they complain about the slap, …

: New Site You. Yes, you, the one person that has visited this site in the last year. You will likely not have …

: My iPhone App Playlist In the spirit of app recommendation lists that keep popping up everywhere I decided to make my own. …

: Domain for sale Dear Spinning Beachball readers, the few of you that are still reading this RSS feed. I’m …

: Editorial & Drafts Workflow for Quick Capture of Story Ideas Inspired by Federico Viticci’s Open Tabs Editorial workflow, I created this little workflow to …

: The Creative Cringe I’m reading Shawn Blanc’s wonderful book Delight is in the Details and this one chapter …

: fxguide's My friend (twitter: mattdleonard text: Matt Leonard) has been sorting through “The Art …

: Blogging Workflow…again Yes, I finally am blogging again. Only 6 months of silence this time. Not too shabby. Anyway, a …

: Assembling a VFX Camera Kit I don’t have my own camera kit specifically for VFX yet. Usually when I am on set, I either …

: Check Your iOS iCloud Settings! Please go into your iOS device’s and check your iCloud settings. Do it now. With …

: Shadowrun Returns I got access to my copy of Shadowrun Returns right on release, July 25th, and immediately ended up …

: Prisoners of the Sun Premiere Today,29.05.2013, was the official premiere of Prisoners of the Sun, the movie I was VFX producer …

: FMX 2013 - Iron Man 3 I planned to write about it, but the presentation was just blowing all our minds and I got sucked …

: FMX 2013 - Crowdfunding, Risks and Chances Do not add tangible rewards below $60! Shipping and manufacturing is simply too expensive. You might …

: FMX 2013 - Crowdfunding Phil Tippett had a dream. “Mad God” a film that he wanted to make, but for a variety of …

: FMX 2013 - OpenSubdiv We startend the session with a quick history of subdivision surfaces. Invented by Pixar and first …

: FMX 2013 - Camera Physics This talk was very theory heavy with lots of formulas and photos of curves that summarize pretty …

: FMX 2013 - Panel Discussion on the Future of the VFX Industry Not too much to record for this one. It was mostly company heads trying to weasel their way out of …

: FMX 2013 - The "unfilmable" Life of Pi Opening with a joke about the botched Oscar ceremony, this is promising to be a good yet sad talk. …

: FMX 2013 - Le Big Shift in VFX Topics discussed center around what the industry can do to improve interoperability and workflow to …

: FMX 2013 - Cloud Atlas Starting out with a short overview of RiseFX, his company, Florian dove right into the workflow for …

: FMX/fxphd Kickoff Meetup Yesterday evening was the first of likely many fxphd meetups this week. About 15 people showed up …

: Remote posting to Kirby via iOS now working Next week is FMX, a great yearly convention about visual effects, games and virtual reality. …

: Please update your RSS reader Effective immediately, I switched over this site’s RSS to URI.LV to handle my feed …

: Cartoon Movie 2009 — Lyon, France At the moment, I am in Lyon, France to write about Cartoon Movie 2009. At this conference, motion …

: VFX Coordination for Pixomondo I have been hired at Pixomondo Images in Ludwigsburg to work as VFX Coordinator for some of their …

: Prisoners of the Sun put on hold It is official now. The production of “Prisoners of the Sun” has been put on hold. All …

: Securing Your Laptop at Work I wanted to share this litte trick with you for quite a while now, but of course I have been busy …

: Blog Posts Transferred I finally found the time to transfer all posts from the old BabylonDreams blog over to their new …

: How to Behave as New Guy - I Guess, I Wasn't the Only One I just found an article on the BusinessWeek site entitled “How Not to Be the Obnoxious Newcomer”. It …

: Solo - a Danish Documentary Hello everyone, I have to make a completely selfish plug for a movie I worked on lately. It is …

: How to Work Efficiently A lot of times I hear people complaining how slow this or that program is. “shake is so slow”, …

: Twitter for Colloquy I don’t know if you already know this service called Twitter. It can be described as a IM …

: Naming Conventions - Part 02 - Real Life Application Last time I talked about the basic ingredients of a working naming convention, which got inspired by …

: UPDATED: Musicvideo “Var Minut” by Emilia Finished and Online Remember Emilia? She did this song called “Big Big World” about 7 years ago: Big Big World Guess …

: Naming Conventions - Part 01 - the Basics special-test_final_3a_preview_5b Do you know filenames like this? Or even worse, do you still use …

: If You Are a Newbie, Don’t Act Like a Pro! We met our new interns today and they all seemed very nice. One of them made a little bad impression …

: Shake Support Goes On It seems like a niche market that had to be filled sooner or later. After Apples decision to quit …

: Behold - I Give You Messiah for Mac OS X Yes, you understood it correctly. Messiah is able to run on the new Intel Macs. And I am not talking …

: Messiah on Mac OS X - Moving Proof Here you go guys. A screencapture for all of you who want to see the actual speed of this baby. I …

: Renderman vs MentalRay - the Uproar Well, guess what? As I already thought it would happen, some people don’t seem to like the …

: Renderman vs MentalRay Comparison - Update As so many people from the MentalRay community seem to have a big problem with my motion blur test - …

: Renderman vs MentalRay Comparison Finally I found the time to do my little Renderman - MentalRay comparison. I used Maya 6.5 on a Mac …

: Is CG Dull and Boring? Yes! …And NO! Is CG dull and boring. I asked this question in my last post. Well, since then I have seen a recent …

: Music Video “From London to Berlin” Gets a Review The Doncaster Road End blog has posted about the Infernal video we re-did for the world cup (you can …

: Project Round-Up I thought it is time to show a little of the work we have done so far. All videos should play fine …

: 3D Rendering Choices There are a lot of nice rendering choices out there. The range goes from free - like Aqsis, Blender …

: Directory Structures and Workflow - Part 01 Last week we spoke about naming conventions, which got inspired by a topic covered on Lifehacker and …

: Is CG Dull and Boring? Are We? Keith Lango has an interesting article on his blog concerning CG pictures/movies and how they have …

: Feeling Like a Child at Play - Do You Know That Feeling? I was on set last week and I felt like back in school again. People preparing lamps and set pieces, …