@odd ๐Ÿ˜‚

@manton I donโ€™t have such high hopes unfortunately.

@redpandaclub thanks for getting back to me, even though itโ€˜s not quite what I hoped to hear. I get where you are coming from though. But still, it is a hard pill to swallow after spending a lifetime license on your product.

@redpandaclub any news on a Short Circuit update? OpenAI has lots of nice features that I am missing out on. Iโ€˜d love it if you could update the app with all the new goodies like web browsing, vision, image creation, etc.

@manton cheers! I was under the impression it was more automated.

@manton quick question. How do I take advantage of AI for photos? Do I just attach a photo to a post? Any special formatting? I ask, because I posted a photo yesterdays, but see no difference in my post or the img HTML.

@manton that is great news! I was wondering about when the next book is due just yesterday. I love books 1-4.

@manton if you need a beta tester. ๐Ÿ˜‰

@manton quick thought about audio posts. With Wavelength we could record a post, upload it and then have it be transcribed as the post content. The idea being to cut out the writing step.

@caseyliss while I donโ€™t have any problems with 1Passwords, your post prompted me to look around and I find Strongbox to be a very strong contender. Iโ€™m on the 90 day (!) trial right now and am likely going with a lifetime license. A lifetime license that gives me family sharing and costs what 1Password charges me per year.

@help ok. I was just wondering if there is an alternative to talking to myself alone on the internet. ๐Ÿ˜‚

@help is it possible to start a thread/conversation without replying to myself?

@vincentritter sorry, I didnโ€˜t mean to be divisive. I am simply trying to understand scribbles a bit better really.

@vincentritter do you have a post that explains scribbles in contrast to micro.blog? Why should I be interested in scribbles when Iโ€™m already using micro.blog?

@z428 @odd @jsonbecker haha! Thanks fellas for taking an interest. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

@jsonbecker I feel like I need to respond with a profound reply but am coming up short. ๐Ÿ˜‚

@manton sounds to me like he is talking about himself there. ;)

@kulturnation ich bin da ganz bei Dir. ๐Ÿ˜€ Es ist so ein wenig ein Henne/Ei Problem. Deutsch posten rentiert sich nur wenn es auch jemand liest.

@kulturnation ich bin Deutscher, aber poste meistens auf Englisch, da meine meisten Kontakte kein Deutsch sprechen. ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช

@vincentritter oh I donโ€™t feel the need to read everything on my timeline, but not being in sync between platforms is jarring to me.

@vincentritter really? I very much miss this feature with Micro.blog. Not being in sync is really annoying when jumping between iOS, iPadOS and Mac.

@help I just edited some old posts of mine and now the timeline shows me that I have 2 versions (in one case even 3 versions) of that post. Is that something I can edit? Will it sort itself out?

@manton I just looked it up. It is from 15. August 2023. So itโ€˜s been a while. ๐Ÿ˜‰

@manton as you can see by my response time, it is not urgent. ๐Ÿ˜‚

@manton very generous way to do pricing. Thanks for taking care of the community.