Neat. A new Screenflow version. And it has some nice new features. But wow. The full price these days is double (or even more?) then what I paid for it a couple of versions back. But the upgrade price is perfectly fair.

Work life balance by definition means you won’t excel in either. So be suspicious of people that claim to be at the top of their field and have a great work life balance. — Why Everything You Know About Success Is (Mostly) Wrong

Great discussion. Although I must say I have a hard time to see Scott Adams' point of view. It’s just too detached from what I consider ethical. — Sam Harris and Scott Adams discuss Trump

Zelda today. Gotta crack those Master Sword trials.

Working the water pump. A man’s summer workout.

On the playground with the kids. Great weather. Happy kids. No stress. Camera at the ready. Perfect.

Looking at my TestFlight I have amassed quite the beta app collection by now.

Nailed my Git workflow. Now any changes on the site such as Micropub posts or quick HTML/CSS fixes will find their way back to the Git repo and also any changes from the repo from my desktop or iOS will get published to the site. Awesome.

I am equal parts stressed, bored, overwhelmed and not taxed enough. Is that even possible‽

Triggering a Git commit from the server works. iOS workflow still on hold because of a bug. And desktop triggering almost there. This was easier then expected.

So close on a solution to combine Micropub posting with my Git workflow.

Testing MicroPub posting from the iOS app.

One more test. Sorry. 🙄

No Time for Bullshit

Hi, I gave you a link to this page following a discussion we likely had. Consider this the end of my involvement in whatever topic we were discussing. One of the following likely happened. Please pick the one that seems most appropriate—or if you are so inclined the one that offends you most or least1.

  • The discussion started meandering and I lost interest in discussing this any further.
  • I just can’t deal with you anymore otherwise my blood pressure is going to kill me. And I don’t want that to happen.
  • You obviously hold a belief that is too different from mine and the whole discussion is just getting tedious. I have no time for tedious if I can avoid it, which I hereby am.
  • There’s a fine line between being a squeaky wheel and an annoying troll. Guess which side of the line I think you are on. Hint: I try to make it a habit of not feeding trolls.
  • I don’t give a fuck.

Any of those sound like they might be it? Great. Consider this discussion over. If you want to you can tell all your friends that you won a discussion on the Internet. Congratulations. Here’s a cookie. Now, can we move on please? Thanks.

  1. If this sounds very boilerplate, it’s because it is. I realised that I don’t feel like spending my life having pointless discussions. Now, what’s pointless to me might be entirely essential to you. But that is besides the point since I am choosing to end this discussion. ↩︎

I hate it when people argue with me about something I never said

Great start to the day. Wanting to tackle the project changes that accumulated during my downtime aaand…

I cannot find the change notes from the client… 😐

Way to stay organized Alex! sigh

In a waiting room. Again…

I’m getting tired of waiting rooms.

Testing Webmentions with Kirby’s Webmention plugin. Probably not going to work. Let’s see… Test 1

A cold is nothing to sneeze at.

A deer just bounced past us on our after lunch stroll. The perks of living on the countryside.