![Alexander Kucera](https://alexanderkucera.com/uploads/2024/img-0344.webp)
I used to be a full time VFX artist working as compositor, 3D artist, producer and supervisor.
These days I am mostly home-bound due to health reasons, so my focus is mostly on tending to my family as the resident cook and doing the occasional remote work for film and TV projects.
You can find my work history on IMDB or LinkedIn and I do have a rather old showreel on Vimeo. Apart from that, this is my online home. Feel free to get in touch via email or on Micro.blog.
Today was the first time my wife and my son were dressing my surgery wound. They both were really troopers. It’s not an easy a task since there is a large gaping hole in my upper arm they need to interact with. I’m not sure I could do it without them.
Watching Graveyards of Arkham a Call of Cthulhu story. Great cast, great keeper, great story.
Man getting your credit carded locked sucks. I have a ton of service badgering me right now about missing payments. And I missed out on a few things that I wanted to purchase at a discount. I really hope the new card arrives soon.
Still alive with a cut in my arm that stings like a mother. Fingers crossed it now heals without complications.
Yesterday‘s 1250 years anniversary was a success. Thanks to everyone involved in setting this up and everyone that came and made it a great day.
It has started. Geinsheim’s 1250 years anniversary kicks off with an open air service.
1250 Jahre Geinsheim
Das einmalige Erlebnis 🌟
Historischer Feldgottesdienst im Innenhof der Fronmühle
Wann 🕰️: 4.8. um 10 Uhr Shuttelservice für Senioren 🛺: von der Kirche Geinsheim zur Fronmühle um 9:15Uhr, 9:30Uhr und 9:45Uhr - weitere Shuttles im Stundentakt mit Hin- und Rückfahrmöglichkeit.
Um 10 Uhr startet der historische Festakt zur 🌟1250 🌟Jahrfeier mit dem Feldgottesdienst ⛪️ im Innenhof der Fronmühle. Der Gottesdienst dreht sich Rund ums Thema Ernte 🌻🌾 und bietet Groß und Klein die Möglichkeit zum Mitmachen. Lassen Sie sich von traditionellem bis modernen Liedgut verzaubern in entspannter Atmosphäre✨.
Danach gibts die Möglichkeit die Festmeile 🌻🐑🫏🐂 zu erkunden oder einfach sitzenbleiben und Frühschoppen 🍻 starten.
Ein Event bei dem jeder willkommen ist. Kommt vorbei, wir freuen uns auf euch!
Euer 1250 Feldgottesdienst Team! See less — feeling blessed.
![a rainbow colored cross](https://cdn.uploads.micro.blog/239/2024/facebook-kreuz.jpg)
I simply do not understand the US republican mindset. There is no “trying to emphatically view it through their eyes”. How—for example—can you claim to stand for Christian values and then spew hate about immigrants? How can you be a Christian and blindly follow a known liar, criminal and generally unethical person? I simply don’t understand it.
My credit card got locked yesterday due to a fraudulent transaction. Getting a new one next week. But guess what today is? Yep. It’s the 1st of August. And what happens on the 1st? Right. All the services want their payments and fees and subscriptions. Guess who’s getting ALL the emails today? 👍🏻
So the surgeon thinks it’s not an inflamed insect bite, but an inflamed sebaceous gland. Go figure. Either way, that sucker gets cut open on Tursday.
Watching Aquaman with the kids. Our son has made it his goal to watch all of Marvel and DC back to back. Aquaman is actually not that bad. Not great. But also not terrible.
Our son has looked up his Pokémon cards online and apparently some cards are worth several hundreds. Not sure how accurately these marketplace values are. But he seems happy. 🤷
Tonight we are having session two of our DnD group. I’m hoping it goes better for the party then last session (where we had a TPK). Either way, they are all pumped and are having fun regardless. As will I.
My blood pressure is acting up again. Around noon it goes into free fall for a couple of hours rendering me pretty much useless. Will need to adjust my medication and hope that fixes it.
The progression of my son as he paints minis is obvious. (Owlbear at age six. Tiefling at age eleven.) However, the difference between him and his sister is astounding. She is four years behind him, but already paints as good as he does at age eleven. (Her‘s is the Druid.)
Out and about eating ice cream.
Home again! Super happy to see my wife and kids again.
Good morning on day four of my hospital stay. This night was a night of horrors. A big thunderstorm with lots of lightning paired with several people screaming in pain through the night.
Day three at the hospital. I hope I’ll be able toe toTor to leave tomorrow.