Man. It’s freezing today. Bloody weather doesn’t know what it wants. 31°C yesterday and icy wind and rain today.

Church today and then another afternoon of 1250 years anniversary celebrations. I’m not particularly religious myself, but it’s a small village. Gotta have your Sunday church.

So far so good. Only a few drops of rain.

It looks me like people aren’t bothered by the approaching weather.

So there is a strong thunderstorm warning for tonight at 6pm, exactly when tonight’s festivities are supposed to start. Let’s see how that goes…

Geinsheim’s 1250 years anniversary starts tonight at 6pm. Be there!

Love me some AI Generators for Foundry VTT

I am having way too much fun building out my Foundry VTT world with AI tools. Lots of Theatre of the Mind images with the help of MidJourney, ElevenLabs voices provide narration, and now I have a singing bard thanks to suno.

I cannot wait for my players to experience it all.

Heute Mittag gibt’s Melonensalat

Just a quick service announcement. I am still in love with Uberspace. Their service rocks!

Proudly hosten on Uberspace Asteroids!

Thanks MidJourney. I could chill out there today.

Another hot day today. 30°C and almost 80% humidity. This is going to be fun…

I just ran my first proper D&D session. It was chaotic. I did a decently poor job. And the players had great fun and I loved it.

Over three hours in the ER. And all that for a bandage. Sigh.

At the emergency room once again. Life with kids. What can I say? I guess once a year is the tradition in our household.

Back home and knackered. It was a great concert. The kids were great. All six thousand of them. :)

At SAP Arena for the 6K United concert. Our boy is among those 6K.

Feuerwehr Fest Geinsheim 2024 #dorfkultur

Spielplatz-Fest in Geinsheim

In town, sitting in the shade enjoying the rather quiet street while sipping my peppermint tea.