I used to be a full time VFX artist working as compositor, 3D artist, producer and supervisor.
These days I am mostly home-bound due to health reasons, so my focus is mostly on tending to my family as the resident cook and doing the occasional remote work for film and TV projects.
You can find my work history on IMDB or LinkedIn and I do have a rather old showreel on Vimeo. Apart from that, this is my online home. Feel free to get in touch via email or on Micro.blog.
Just came back from my monthly doctor‘s visit. Apparently my blood HB is too low, which explains why I could sleep all day long. Need to increase my weekly injections to twice a week. Oh the joy of needles. 😐
Und noch eins. Aber dieses Interview ist etwas anstrengend zu schauen. Der Ton ist nicht gut und die Interviewerin ist leider nicht besonders.
Robert Habeck im Interview. Meiner Meinung nach der einzige wählbare Kanzlerkanditat.
I’m making ragu a la bolognese for tomorrow’s lasagna. I just stole a few spoons and turned it into a poor man’s chili con carne with some Tabasco and a bit of cumin. Yummy!
Watching the last episode of Shrinking. I’m going to miss this show.
Goodbye Threads. I just disabled cross-posting and deleted the app. I really hoped Meta had turned things around with Threads. But I guess not. There is a reason I avoided Facebook for years.
Just came back from getting a MRI. The surgeon spotted two shadows on my upper arm bone three weeks ago and wanted a closer look. No tumor. Just a calcification. What a load off my shoulders.
Making Crumpets. Crumpets where one of the first UK „treats“ I fell in love with when I first worked in Manchester.
A happy and successful New Year’s everyone! May you be healthy, happy and content.
Also ich bin da ganz bei Robert Habeck muss ich sagen.
Der Klang-Gottesdienst war sehr schön. Für alle die ihn verpasst haben gibt’s ein Video.
Anyone using Kagi for search? How do you like it?
Workout day. Today: triceps, shoulders and back again. They are my weak points and will need a few weeks of focus to catch up.
Morgen um 19 Uhr ist Klang-Gottesdienst in der Kirche St. Peter und Paul in Geinsheim mit Harfenmusik und Flöten-Begleitung. Kommt vorbei und feiert mit.
Image courtesy of MidJourney
I hope you all had a happy Christmas, some good family time and lots of good food.
Sneaking in a little Christmas’s workout before the festivities. Back, shoulders and triceps today.
Good morning. I think I’ll do a fasting day today. Seems appropriate before stuffing myself over Christmas.
And as I slip into bed, I realize, it is indeed Friday the 13th. Good night.
Petition zur Widerspruchsregelung für Organspenden
Im Augenblick ist eine Petition am laufen die sich für eine Widerspruchslösung für Organspende einsetzt. Als jemand der auf ein neues Organ wartet, wäre ich für jede Unterschrift persönlich dankbar.
Je mehr Menschen die Petition unterstützen, desto größer ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass sie Erfolg hat.
Hier könnt ihr mehr erfahren und unterzeichnen:
→Widerspruchsregelung für Organspenden
Vielen Dank!
This weekend we had our little Christmas market in Geinsheim. MY wife had a stand to inform about the Bewegungspark project and it was a great success. Lots of people came by to get informed about the project and its status. Lots of donations. And overall great feedback.