I used to be a full time VFX artist working as compositor, 3D artist, producer and supervisor.
These days I am mostly home-bound due to health reasons, so my focus is mostly on tending to my family as the resident cook and doing the occasional remote work for film and TV projects.
You can find my work history on IMDB or LinkedIn and I do have a rather old showreel on Vimeo. Apart from that, this is my online home. Feel free to get in touch via email or on Micro.blog.
Current status of Links, my barebones bookmark and archival tool:
- creating links via the site works
- the site now also offers a Markdown preview
- Markdown and PDF are saved as cleaned up versions
Still to do:
- make the archive script more robust
- delete links from the website
- some CSS design work
My lack of PHP knowledge makes me run against walls in my little website project. I am making headway, but slowly. Had a little breakthrough just now. I’d love to continue, but need to take a break and prepare lunch.
sag mal spinn ich oder hatte die Feeds Liste mal Favicons? Ich hab schon alle Settings durch und finde aber nichts was das Fehlen erklären könnte.
Links - a bookmarking/archival project
I am getting closer to a working version of my own little bookmarking/archiving project. I tried Archivebox, Linkwarden, linkding and of course Pinboard and Raindrop. None of them quite did what I wanted. So I rolled up my sleeves and got to work.
Current state:
- save a given URL as PDF, Markdown and Web Archive (Warco)
- a basic website displaying the saved links with a URL and a summary of the site as well as links to the archived files.
It is very bare bones right now, but it works. Also, and this is one of the big pluses for me, no tags, no categories. Just a list of links.
To be done:
- CSS styling of the link list
- a way to add links from the site
- a way to add links on the go
- a way to delete links on the site
- search
Have I mentioned how awesome @hallo@uberspace.social is recently? No? Well, they are awesome!
O2 developed an AI grandma called Daisy. Daisy is made to keep phone scammers talking to her, wasting the scammers time. Brilliant!
My new water rower. It is great fun to use and our son loves it too. Since he usually is a couch potato this is a huge win for us.
Die Kommunionskinder haben heute Brot gebacken. Und wir Eltern sind jetzt da um es zu essen. Ich bin gespannt was serviert wird.
Playing Mr Robinson.
Starting now. Church in Colors Geinsheim.
At the Church in Living Color concert tonight.

AI Coding
After reading about GitHub Spark I felt inspired to see how good programming with an AI works.
So I set about using Claude 3.5 Haiku to write a little Python program that archives a give URL as PDF, Markdown and saves a bunch of metadata along as well as summarizes the page with GPT4.
It took a bit of noodling and back an forth with the AI to smooth out the functionality and the errors I got. But I didn‘t code anything myself. Only copied and pasted a few code corrections here and there that the AI gave me.
And it works. I think I will continue on this path and make my own version of Archivebox.
Today my water rower arrives. I can‘t wait to set it up.
I prepped the first one shot of Chaosium‘s new book No Time to Scream in Foundry VTT for a friend and I. We played it yesterday to great fun. Highly recommended.
Oh wow. Foundry have EOL‘ed Modo.
I‘ve treated myself to a water rowing machine this week. A Sportstech WRX1000 is headed my way next week. I can hardly await it.
Making some feta in the oven. Yummy!
Well, this sucks…
Is it just me or does it feel like I am spending more time correcting iOS‘ predictive autocorrect then I am typing actual errors.