I quit Twitter a little over a year ago officially. Similarly I haven‘t used any of the other services like Facebook, LinkedIn, Mastodon, Slack, Skype or any of the others.

I simply post to my blog now via Micro.blog. Occasionally I respond to a post on Micro.blog. That‘s it. Other then that I live a life with the people around me. Family, friends, neighbors.

I don‘t miss a thing. Social media can be intoxicating and make you feel like you miss a ton if you don‘t constantly engage. This is a blatant lie you tell yourself. All you do is spinning your wheels while you could spend your time doing actually engaging or productive things.

Kinderflohmarkt auf der Geinsheimer Ludwigskerwe.

Der Kerwe-Umzug war ein Erfolg.

I stumbled over Perplexity today and I must say I’m impressed. I think this will be my default search engine for quick things to look up.

Der Kerwe-Umzug in Geinsheim startet jetzt.

KunstFerien in der [kantine16] sind heute zu Ende gegangen. Die Kinder haben stolz ihre Kunstwerke präsentiert.

Heute startet die Geinsheimer Kerwe. Nachdem immer noch die 1250 Jahre gefeiert werden, ist dieses Jahr auch die Kerwe etwas besonderes. Kommt vorbei und feiert mit uns.

Wasting other people‘s time…

People that are inconsiderate with other people‘s time piss me off to no end!

My wife regularly makes appointments for new children/parents. About 30% just never show up. No excuse. No call. Nothing. And about 10% of those have the gall to call a few days later for a second appointment (still no excuses).

And this is in a field where there is a shortage of spots for the kids. How entitled must you be to search for a nanny for your kid—of which there are to few—and then not show up?

Go fuck yourselves!

After a 3 month (!!!) free trial of Strongbox Pro, today I paid the €80 for the lifetime Pro versions without batting an eyelid. Such great value compared to other more prominent password apps. I can highly recommend it.

Im [kantine16] in der Nähe vom Bahnhof Neustadt. Die Kinder haben hier fünf Tage lang „KunstFerien“. Ich bin mal gespannt was am Ende der Woche rauskommt.

What’s up with all these Patreon recommendations I get all of a sudden from all my creators?

My two favorite Call of Cthulhu Keepers right now are Becca Scott ands Mark Meer.

Today was the first time my wife and my son were dressing my surgery wound. They both were really troopers. It’s not an easy a task since there is a large gaping hole in my upper arm they need to interact with. I’m not sure I could do it without them.

Watching Graveyards of Arkham a Call of Cthulhu story. Great cast, great keeper, great story.

Man getting your credit carded locked sucks. I have a ton of service badgering me right now about missing payments. And I missed out on a few things that I wanted to purchase at a discount. I really hope the new card arrives soon.

Still alive with a cut in my arm that stings like a mother. Fingers crossed it now heals without complications.

Yesterday‘s 1250 years anniversary was a success. Thanks to everyone involved in setting this up and everyone that came and made it a great day.

New shirt. Get it from Michael. His shirts are great quality.

It has started. Geinsheim’s 1250 years anniversary kicks off with an open air service.

1250 Jahre Geinsheim

Das einmalige Erlebnis 🌟

Historischer Feldgottesdienst im Innenhof der Fronmühle

Wann 🕰️: 4.8. um 10 Uhr Shuttelservice für Senioren 🛺: von der Kirche Geinsheim zur Fronmühle um 9:15Uhr, 9:30Uhr und 9:45Uhr - weitere Shuttles im Stundentakt mit Hin- und Rückfahrmöglichkeit.

Um 10 Uhr startet der historische Festakt zur 🌟1250 🌟Jahrfeier mit dem Feldgottesdienst ⛪️ im Innenhof der Fronmühle. Der Gottesdienst dreht sich Rund ums Thema Ernte 🌻🌾 und bietet Groß und Klein die Möglichkeit zum Mitmachen. Lassen Sie sich von traditionellem bis modernen Liedgut verzaubern in entspannter Atmosphäre✨.

Danach gibts die Möglichkeit die Festmeile 🌻🐑🫏🐂 zu erkunden oder einfach sitzenbleiben und Frühschoppen 🍻 starten.

Ein Event bei dem jeder willkommen ist. Kommt vorbei, wir freuen uns auf euch!

Euer 1250 Feldgottesdienst Team! See less — feeling blessed.

a rainbow colored cross