I remember now what the app from Realmac Software was called. Socialite. It got canned somewhere around 2012. But it was essentially what Tapestry and the new Reeder are trying to do. Back then I used it extensively. It was way ahead of its time.

Here is some info on it.

Stalking a public profile

I overheard someone today. They confessed to stalking a singer on Instagram. What they meant was clearly that the follow them on Instagram.

Since when has it become a negative to follow someone on their public profile on Instagram?

Stalking is by definition to follow someone against their will and often in secret.

How can you stalk someone on social media when they have a public profile, indicating their willingness to be followed?"

The new Reeder is not for me

I tried the new Reeder app yesterday for about 20 minutes before deleting it again. It just didn’t fit my needs at all. Or maybe I simply didn’t get it.

The idea of an endless scrolling timeline stresses me out. No unread count. You mean there is no indication of it ever ending? That sounds stress inducing to no end.

With my RSS reader (the now called Reeder Classic), I have a ton of feeds that are very high frequency that I only scan to see if something pops out. I have a folder called favorites that I scan more closely. At the end I mark both the „firehose“ and the favorites as read. The posts disappear and I am at ease that I got the most important bits.

Then I open YouTube take a quick glance at what the homepage suggests. Usually junk. If there is something interesting it goes into my watch later queue. Then I scan my subscriptions. Same deal. Done.

I do this once a days in the morning. Once.

During the day I catch up on my Micro.blog feed, which is easy, becausee I only follow a couple of people compared to several hundreds I followed on Twitter.

I don’t need much morere then this. My past self probably would be all over Tapestry and the new Reeder. In fact, I did use a timeline aggregation app about ten years ago from Realmac Software that is no longer available and whose name I have forgotten. They were way ahead of their time back then. Maybe they should dust it off as well.

Zweite Hälfte des Chorauftritts des Chorona Chors Kostümwechsel.

Halbzeitpause beim Chorona Chor in Geinsheim. Bisher war mir das Programm erfrischend unbekannt. Der Chor singt gut und die Choreografie ist auch unterhaltsam.

Chorona Chor in der Kirche Geinsheim

Heute singt der Chorona Chor in unserer Kirche.


14 hours left on the Drive Book 4 Kickstarter. Production quality on the first three books was stellar. You can still get books 1-3 when you join in on the Kickstarter campaign.

DRIVE ACT 4 -- Kicktraq Mini

I tried to use SubTXT. It failed at step one. Creating an outline from a story outline. It justt sat there spinning until I closed the tab and was done with it. Very disappointing.

For those who have played with 3D printing. Would you say it is still worth it to get one or would you rather use an online print service?

I find this whole Fediverse/Mastodon thing really confusing. For example, when trying to follow John Gruber, there are like 6 different accounts he has registered. Each of which seems to have different content. So am I supposed to have ten times the accounts I follow now just because everyone has a dozen different accounts spread over the internet?

Can someone explain the Rings of Power title sequence to me? To me it’s just meaningless particle animations. Do they make any kind of sense to anyone?

A great video showing what Ember is all about.

It looks like Ember is a huge success! Join on in to get an expansive roleplaying world to play in.

Ember -- Kicktraq Mini

Bad Robots - Uberspace writes about the damage badly behaved web scraping bots do to hosters and their users.

Testing if the feed.json has been fixed.

It is almost time. Ember is launching in a few hours on Kickstarter. It is a new roleplaying game from the guys that create the brilliant Foundry VTT virtual tabletop roleplaying software.

With my whole sebaceous gland inflammation episode I had to (or opted to) take a break from weightlifting. It’s been two months this now and I started back up very lightly last week.

Today is a workout day. Week 2, day 1. Still very light weights and high reps (~30).

I’m already feeling better.

A receipt for another year of Micro.blog just came. Happy to pay it and support @manton Rock on Micro.blog!!

Based on today’s spam mails I’m a rich man. I was donated about €7.500.00 today alone. Not bad.

Dave Kellett Original Art Drawing of Nosh for Sale

Edit: This item has sold and found a new owner.

This original, signed, and numbered drawing of Nosh by Dave Kellett deserves to be displayed, not left collecting dust. It’s a piece that should shine on a wall or in a display case, but I no longer have the right space for it. With Dave’s blessing, I’m offering it up for sale.

I’m not looking to profit. These pieces usually go for around $100 on eBay. My only goal is to find a home where it’ll be appreciated and displayed as it should be.

If you’re interested, drop me a message on Micro.blog or email me at [a.kucera@babylondreams.de](mailto: a.kucera@babylondreams.de) with an offer. I‘ll throw in a Drive Corps Mempership Card as well.